JLUS Policy Committee
The Joint Land Use Study Policy Committee was charged with providing overall project leadership, developing community development recommendations, performing public outreach events, and providing direction related to consultant activities. The Joint Land Use Study Policy Committee served as the executive forum for cooperative decision-making among local governments in close proximity to the Camp Grayling JMTC and the Alpena JTC installation complex and mission footprint.
JLUS Policy Committee Members
- Ken Glasser, Otsego County Board (JLUS Chairperson)
- Greg Sundin, City of Alpena (JLUS Vice-Chairperson) - Matt Waligora, City of Alpena Mayor - alternate
- Marc Dedenbach (Grayling Township) (JLUS Secretary)
- SGM Kent Smith/LTC Brian Burrell/SFC Jeremie Mead (Camp Grayling)
- Lt Col Matthew Trumble/Col John Miner/Maj Andrew Lafountain/SMSgt Jerome Torres/Capt Brian Blumline/Lisa Kruse (Alpena Combat Readiness Training Center)
- Jonathan Edgerly (Michigan Army National Guard – Environmental)
- Kim VanNuck (Beaver Creek Township Supervisor)
- Brandon Schroeder (MSU Extension/Michigan Sea Grant)
- Susan Thiel (DNR)
- Jeff Gray (Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary)
- Rob Pallarito (Otsego County Board)
- Mark Ignash (MEDC)
- Jim Klarich (Target Alpena)
- Scott Thayer (MDOT)
- Dave Stephenson (Crawford County Board Chair)
- Doug Baum (Grayling City Manager)
- Steve Smigelski (Alpena Airport Manager)
- David Persons (Garfield Township Supervisor)
- Cody Werth (Wilson Township Board/Planning Commission)
- Julie Lowe (DEQ)
- Lisa McComb (Otsego County Economic Alliance)
- Bill Johnson (Frederic Township Supervisor) – Shelly Pinkelman (Frederic Township Zoning) - alternate
- Ken Lobert (Ossineke Township Supervisor)
- Nathan Skibbe (Alpena Township Supervisor)
- Dave Post (Village of Hillman) - Myron McIntire (Hillman Village President) - alternate
- Cam Habermehl (Alpena County)
- Brian Goebel (Bagley Township) – Ken Arndt (alternate)
- Jodi Valentino (Roscommon County Controller)
- Bruno Wojick (Briley Township)
- Howard Lumsden (Long Rapids Township Supervisor)
- Sharcy Ray (USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service)
- George F. Banker (Bear Lake Township Supervisor)
- Chris Peterson (US Forest Service)
- Scott Koproski (US Fish & Wildlife Service)
- Edward A. Nellist (Lyon Township Supervisor)
- James Zakshesky (Posen Township Supervisor)
- Michael Growhowski (Krakow Township Supervisor)
- William E. Curnalia (Higgins Township Supervisor)
- Nyle Wickersham (Metz Township Supervisor)
- Gary Neumann (Lovells Township Supervisor)
- Denise Matteini (Otsego Lake Township) - Margaret Black (Otsego Lake Township Clerk) - alternate
- Bonny Miller (Chester Township Supervisor)
- Scott Kruger (Antrim County Commissioner)
- Brenda Fournier (Alpena County Commissioner)
JLUS Technical Advisory Committee
The Technical Advisory Committee was responsible for data collection, identifying and studying technical issues, evaluating alternatives, and developing recommendations for Joint Land Use Study Policy Committee consideration.
JLUS Technical Advisory Committee Members
- Adam Poll (City of Alpena Planning & Development Director)
- Erich Podjaske (City of Grayling Zoning/Economic Development)
- Lisa Kruse (Alpena CRTC Environmental Specialist)
- Susan Thiel (Michigan DNR)
- Julie Lowe (Michigan DEQ)
- Alayne Hansen (Michigan Works!)
- Patty O'Donnell (MDOT)
- Doug Baum (City of Grayling)
- Denise Mattieni (Otsego Lake Township)
- SMSgt Jerome Torres (alternate SMSgt Damian Pappas)
- John Bailey, Huron Pines